Right from the outset I want to state for the record that the word "craft" in the title of this post is purely there for alliteration purposes only - the work I am going to mention (IMHO) is most definitely 100% ART!
Next to stitching, one of my other favourite activities is discovering new sources of needlework inspiration, so today I thought I would just share a few things that have set my creativity buzzing recently!
Firstly I am completely in love with the work of Lynn Harrigan, who I discovered thanks to
Jo (who discovered it via
Mr X Stitch.). Lynn is working on her Calendar Project where she embroiders the weather and mood at her home each day - you can read more about her project
here and see her daily squares by following her Instagram feed
@obliquepoet. I cannot put into words how amazing, beautiful and delicate her work is!
I've been interested to see the rise in popularity of Art Therapy (AKA colouring books for adults), and considered getting kitted up with a few myself - except it would take away from my stitching time, so I quickly dismissed the idea! However
Mary Corbet's article yesterday really caught my attention where she discussed using these books for embroidery inspiration! I thought is was a fantastic idea and something I definitely want to have a go at!
I've also been swooning a lot over the contents of this book this week:
Such beautiful things on every page and definitely keeps me motivated to perfect my goldwork and embroidery techniques! On a side note, thank goodness for my local library and free reservations - they've seen a sharp rise in activity on my account lately! I do have a soft spot for libraries though, seeing as they have, in part, kept me fed and watered these past 15 years lol!
Next up
Trish Burr, her incredible work has fascinated me for a while. I know that needlepainting is and will forever be, completely beyond my skill level, but I still love looking at her amazing work. I just cannot fathom how so much detail is captured with needle and thread - such talent (not to mention patience!). However it had completely escaped my notice that as well as needlepainting she has also recently designed a series entitled
"Shades of Whitework" - now that I have a chance at! This one particularly caught my eye - I wonder why:

You can find Trish's designs for sale via her
Etsy Shop and I'm thinking that some of those Shades of Whitework designs will be finding themselves on my Must Stitch list next year! Incidentally, some of her designs use DMC Floche which is really hard to track down in the UK, so if anyone knows of a UK supplier please let me know, otherwise I'll just have to source it from the US (although I might be able to use Coton a Broder instead - further research required!).
Finally, thanks to
Mabel's Blog, I discovered some surface embroidery freebies which I will definitely be having a go at, possibly next month, as I really want to step away from the holes!
Kelly Fletcher's Craftsy Shop has 12 beautiful freebies in her Bloomin' Marvellous series which will be a great way for me to practice my stem stitch, chain stitch, split stitch etc etc. I'm hoping to get away with using some 40ct linen for them (though I have some linen in my non stitching fabric stash which might suit too) and they are charted in stranded DMCs so that shouldn't be a problem :).

Anyway, there is a little insight into my creative brain for today! I'm thinking that at the end of this year I will have to have a bit of a craft clearout (queue giveaways on my blog and vlog!). I feel that some of the cross stitch patterns/charts I've been hoarding need to find new homes as they are holding me back from working on new projects with new techniques. I'm sure you are all familiar with that feeling of "guilt" we sometimes have over projects we've not stitched! Fortunately I've never been one for collecting charts, I've always been about the threads which in hindsight works in my favour, as although my needlework tastes are changing, threads are pretty much universal for most projects. Also for practical reasons it will free up a few drawers for new materials.......possibly metal threads, silk ribbons and crewel wool! I think I will forever be a threadhead - there is no cure!
If you've reached the end of this blogpost - congratulations! I love that I have this little space to talk about my needlework passions and inspirations which is something I never felt that I could do on my vlog. So a big thank you to all of you that stop by and read my musings and especially to those of you that comment - I appreciate every one!
Have a great weekend and happy stitching!